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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 64, Issue 3, pp. 725-1097

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Analysis of the Response Matrix for an Extended Target

Hongkai Zhao

pp. 725-745

Asymptotic Behavior of the Number of Lost Messages

Vyacheslav M. Abramov

pp. 746-761

Optimal Localization of Eigenfunctions in an Inhomogeneous Medium

David C. Dobson and Fadil Santosa

pp. 762-774

A Diffuse Interface Model for Alloys with Multiple Components and Phases

Bjorn Stinner, Britta Nestler, and Harald Garcke

pp. 775-799

Traveling Solitons in the Damped-Driven Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

E. V. Zemlyanaya and I. V. Barashenkov

pp. 800-818

A Bound on the Total Variation of the Conserved Quantities for Solutions of a General Resonant Nonlinear Balance Law

Blake Temple and John Hong

pp. 819-857

A Parameter Identification Problem of Mixed Type Related to the Manufacture of Car Windshields

Philipp Kügler

pp. 858-877

On the Solution to The Riemann Problem for the Compressible Duct Flow

Gerald Warnecke and Nikolai Andrianov

pp. 878-901

Complete Electrode Model of Electrical Impedance Tomography: Approximation Properties and Characterization of Inclusions

Nuutti Hyvönen

pp. 902-931

Simulation by Diffusion on a Manifold with Boundary: Applications to Ultrasonic Prenatal Medical Imaging

Daniel M. Keenan and Paula A. Shorter

pp. 932-960

Exact Similarity Solutions of Coupled Nonsteady Navier--Stokes and Energy Equations in Liquids

Shimon Haber

pp. 961-976

Dispersive Wave Attenuation Due to Orographic Forcing

André Nachbin and Juan Carlos Muñoz Grajales

pp. 977-1001

Homogenized Non-Newtonian Viscoelastic Rheology of a Suspension of Interacting Particles in a Viscous Newtonian Fluid

E. Khruslov and L. Berlyand

pp. 1002-1034

Semi-Infinite Arrays of Isotropic Point Scatterers. A Unified Approach

C. M. Linton and P. A. Martin

pp. 1035-1056

Selective Acoustic Focusing Using Time-Harmonic Reversal Mirrors

Christophe Hazard and Karim Ramdani

pp. 1057-1076

Interlayer Exchange Coupling for Ferromagnets through Spacers

Kamel Hamdache and Mouhcine Tilioua

pp. 1077-1097